Sunday, May 5, 2013


Jetlev R200 water jetpack lets you fly without wings for $100,000.The jetpack is powered by water pumped at more than 1,000 gallons per minute from a 200-horsepower marine engine up a 10-meter hose – connected to you (or your jetpack, to be precise). It’s the thrust of the water gushing out of two ground-facing nozzles coming out of the jetpack that enables you to take to the skies.The JetLev jetpack is capable of speeds of up to 25 mph at a height of nine meters and can travel for a distance of 80 miles.

The Jetlev R200 works on the very basics of physics’ laws, but uses a different medium from what we had seen before in the Martin Jetpack and Thunderpack. Using a 33-foot long water hose, The Jetlev R200, sucks in water with the help of an engine and pump, to later release it with such force that the rider can go up to 30 feet in the air! On investigation of the technicalities, one sees that the engine is 200 HP machines, which uses 1000 gallons of water per minute, to generate 420-lbs of thrust that would be necessary to send a normal human into the air at 25 m

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