Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Solar Terracotta Water Filter

solar powered water filter
is designed to provide drinking water for families in developing
countries. Eliodomestico is a solar still that operates a bit like an
upside-down coffee maker. At the beginning of the day, water is poured
into the terracotta chamber. As the day begins the still heats up and
eventually gets hot enough to boil the water, creating steam. The steam
forced into the expansion nozzle at the top and then condenses against
the lid, where it then drips down into the catch basin below. At the end
of the day, assuming it was hot enough outside, there will be 5 liters
of fresh drinking water available 

The solar-powered filter can function without fuel, electricity,

filters, and it requires no maintenance. These devices can also be built

anywhere from readily available materials – anyone who can throw a pot

can handcraft the main elements necessary for the water filter. Diamanti

estimates that a normal solar still costs around $100 dollars and only

produces about 3 liters a day, while his Eliodomestico could be made for

$50 and produce 5 liters. The design is available as an open-source
project for anyone who wants to make one and is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License

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